Managing Users

An overview of User management in the Byos Management Console


The User Section is the administrative pane for managing Role-based Access Controls for Users within the Byos Management Console.

Users are those who interact with the Byos Management Console from an administrative perspective, not to be confused with Activators, who are the End-users of Edge devices.

Creating Users

  1. Click “Add User”
  1. Input details - Names can only include lowercase alphanumeric (a-z, 0-9), and the following characters: _ -. They must also be 25 characters or fewer length.
    1. Email
    2. Role
      1. Owner - Owners have no role restrictions
      2. Admin
      3. Engineer
      4. Read-only
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Role Permissions

Below is a table of all permissions broken down by Role.

  • Roles are listed by descending permissions.
  • Roles are subject to change as the platform grows.
  • To request an additional role or a change to a role, please email support[at]byos[.]io
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Read Only

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Logging in for the first time

When a user is created, they will receive an email with their login credentials. When the user logs in for the first time, they will be prompted to enroll their second factor of authentication.

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The user will also be prompted to change their password.

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Administrative Actions

  • Reset 2FA - this will resend the user a new 2FA setup key and QR code to rescan in the chosen authenticator app
  • Reset Password - this will resend the user new credentials to login
  • Delete User - This will revoke the user’s access to the Byos Management Console
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Creating Linked SL Guests

Before MC3.0, SL Guest profiles were created automatically for newly created users. This has been enhanced to give the User the option to also create an SL Guest upon User creation.

One user can have many SL Guest profiles as SL Guests are unique by Name, not email.
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Similarly, when you delete a user, the linked SL Guest account will be listed to be optionally deleted.

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Last updated on September 25, 2024